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One cause - One location - 5 departments working together for Peace

We believe that to be efficient and reach our goals, it's essential that we work together at the same location. Collaboration, brainstorming, exchange of ideas and seamless coordination and communication

are key to our success.  Therefore the 5 departments working for the PPI will be regrouped on the same floor. 
These departments are: The Peoples' Peace Initiative / The Fund / Education & Empowerment / Nutrition /
The Construction of the Peace Center.


  • The Fund will be P.P.I.'s tool to raise and manage money, allocating it to the other departments for their projects but also for their administrative expenses and salaries. The funds allocation will be done under the supervision of the P.P.I.

  • The Nutrition Department, working with nutritionists and a selected network of food producers and distributors, will bring healthy food to children in need (through the schools networks, or working with local volunteers or NGOs)

  • The Peoples' Peace Initiative will be the force behind the Peace Project. Multi ethnic, multi faith, it will coordinate and manage the actions of all the other departments. It will also be the powerful communication tool for the projects of these different branches, with its social media, PR, etc.
    The P.P.I. will move into its Tel Aviv offices at the Spring 2023.. 

  • The Construction of the Cultural Peace Center Department: architects, engineering firms, contractors, city representatives but also inter-faith groups will be consulted and will work together to build the Cultural Peace Center in Jerusalem, a space where peace leaders and volunteers will meet or find resources. It will also host conferences, lectures and exhibitions, all promoting Peace. The Cultural Peace Center will welcome the participation and contribution of any country or companies wiling to support in the construction and equipment of the  Center. 

  • The Education & Empowerment Department, will seek for the most efficient ways to bring quality in-person and digital education to unprivileged children (through the schools network, or working with local volunteers). It will also work on bringing professional training to teen and young adults, Finally it will help purchase and distribute educational books and equipment. Education and jobs are one of the strongest forces needed to secure Peace, bring social justice, equality, tolerance, happiness, and more shared wealth.

The PPI Project: About Us
The PPI Project: Quote
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